martes, 20 de marzo de 2018

What Results When the U.S. Invades a Country. “Bring Them Democracy” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

What Results When the U.S. Invades a Country. “Bring Them Democracy” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization


 ERIC ZUESSE: U.S. propaganda says that its invasions and military
occupations (and it denies its coups) are to benefit the people in the
invaded and militarily occupied countries, or to bring them ‘democracy’,
and are not done merely to benefit the people who control the U.S.
Government (which itself is not a democracy, and even the
neoconservative — pro-invasion or “imperialistic” — American magazine
The Atlantic has finally acknowledged this fact, even though it
contradicts their continuing neoconservatism).